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来源:bwin必赢国际官方网站 日期:2022-09-23 作者: 浏览次数:

报告题目:Discussion on the methods for calculating the time-domain response of Nabla fractional order systems Nabla分数阶系统的时域求解方法探讨






In this talk,we will discuss how to calculate the time-domain response of the nabla fractional order system effectively.Two kinds of methods will be mentioned,i.e.,the frequency-domain based method and the time-domain based method.For the former one,the frequency distributed model is adopted,which can be regarded as the true state space model of the nabla fractional order system.The difficulty lies in that such model isinfinite dimensional.To realize it using Matlab platform,a finite dimensional approximation scheme is proposed firstly.To accommodate different definitions,the initial condition is carefully configured.Afterwards,two simulink module-based approaches are adopted.For the latter one,by substituting the definition of nabla fractional difference,the problem can be transformed into aseries of nonlinear algebraic equations.With the help of the proven numerical calculation methods,our problem can be solved indirectly.Finally,a series of numerical examples are provided to check the effectiveness and efficiency.


卫一恒:东南大学研究员,IEEE高级会员、中国自动化学会高级会员、中国工业与应用数学学会终身会员、中国指挥与控制学会高级会员、中国自动化学会分数阶系统与控制专业委员会创始人之一。主要研究方向为分数阶微积分理论及其在控制科学、大数据与智能系统中的应用等,在IEEE汇刊、FCAA等期刊发表SCI论文60余篇。入选江苏省双创博士、“海智湾”青年留学人才、东南大学数学学院青年拔尖人才,两次被评为中国科学技术大学优秀科研人员,荣获安徽省科学技术三等奖1项、最佳会议论文奖2项(ICFDA2018,FOSCC2019)、Elsevier杰出审稿人5次。主持国家自然科学基金、安徽省自然科学基金和博士后科学基金等项目10余项。担任中国自动化学会专家库专家、国家自然科学基金函评专家、《Mathematical Review》评论员、Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications和Frontiers in Control Engineering编委。