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来源:bwin必赢国际官方网站 日期:2022-11-15 作者: 浏览次数:


(Energy Informatics and Fractional Calculus)


讲座地点:Tencent Meeting ID:900-369-203


Fractional calculus (FC) is about differentiation or integration of non-integer orders. More and more evidences show that FC enables us understand complexity better, control complex systems and process complex signal better. Energy systems are complex with both short and long term memory, as well as seasonality.Energy informaticsis a “research fieldcovering the use ofinformation and communication technologyto address energy utilization and management challenges.Methods used for "smart" implementations often combine IoT sensors withartificial intelligenceandmachine learning.” We have shown that energy informatic and fractional calculus are inherently linked. We show a technical case where a fractional order model known as GARMA (Gegenbauer ARMA) model can be used to characterize both long range dependence and seasonality. Gegenbauer polynomial has a generating function of a real power of a quadratic polynomial. When this quadratic polynomial is thez-transfer function of a second order IIR or FIR, raising this whole z-transfer function to the power of a real number, we will get an irrational z-transfer function whose output is called theGegenbauer processdriven by white noise. It turns out that, Gegenbauer process can exhibit both long range dependence (or long memory) and seasonality. This is particularly attractive in modeling time series in energy informatics such as wind speed, power consumption, energy price etc. where long memory and seasonality both dominate. In this seminar, we will introduce this important yet relatively new class of models known ask-factor Gegenbauer ARMA and its applications in time series modeling and prediction in energy informatics.


1985年获北京钢铁学院(北京科技大学)学士学位,1989年获北京工业学院(北京理工大学)硕士学位,1998年获新加坡南洋理工大学博士学位,现任美国加州大学Merced分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Merced)工程学院教授,机电一体化、嵌入式系统和自动化实验室(Mechatronics,EmbeddedSystemsand Automation,MESA)主任。主要研究方向包括机电一体化智慧控制(数字孪生)、应用分数阶微积分、物理信息系统、可再生能源系统的建模与控制、基于多无人机的合作多谱个人遥感在精准农业和环境监测以及数字文化遗产应用等。陈教授发表SCI论文370余篇,10多篇论文是ESI高被引论文,出版20多本学术专著,持有美国专利10余项。陈阳泉教授是或曾经是许多国际著名期刊如:Nonlinear Dynamics, ASME J. Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control,FCAA、ISATransactions、IETCTA,IFACCEP,IEEETCST的副主编,IEEE高级会员,ASME、AMA、ASEE、AUVSI、AWRA等学会会员。

Email:ychen53@ucmercee.edu; Web:http://mechatronics.ucmerced.edu/